
Day Seventeen

No pictures today, and just a quick post to tell you about my food. It was a busy day.

Breakfast was toast with butter and honey, a pear, and a glass of buttermilk.

Lunch was leftover potato lasagna. I don't own a microwave, and I usually hesitate to use one, but it really comes in handy for things like this. Just a few minutes and the office was filled with delicious aromas of fresh basil and tomatoes.....

We went to the Willy Street Co-op Eat Local Challenge potluck at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center for for dinner. It was a nice time, and a pretty good spread: pot roast, several delicious local salads, corn cakes made with goat cheese, poached pears with mint, apple raspberry sauce... and it was all 100% local!

We brought my second loaf of local bread, and maple hickory ice cream. The ice cream was out of this world good. Half and half, buttermilk, toasted hickory nuts, maple syrup, and a little salt. Perfection.

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