
My Own Chicken Catchatori

I made chicken Catchatori this week. I didn't follow a recipe at all, but afterward I looked at a few recipes and it looks like I did it almost exactly right! This is the chicken and sauce going into the oven.

It all started with these gorgeous heirloom tomatoes from Tutti Frutti Farms in Lompoc, CA, on the Central coast. We get a lot of produce from this farm at the Co-op, through our favorite distributor in San Fransisco. It's definitely not local, but I've met the farmer, and it seems like a pretty cool place. Everything comes into season earlier down there, so it gives us a preview of what's coming into season locally. I bought a whole lot of these beautiful Cherokee Purple heirloom tomatoes for the Co-op last week, and I just had to buy a whole lot for myself! If ever a tomato was sexy, these tomatoes are!

I started the chicken baking (sauce-less,) and sauteed the tomatoes in olive oil....

....added garlic from the garden, let it cook down for about 15 minutes, and then took the chicken out of the oven, poured the sauce on top, and put it back in the oven to finish cooking.

While it was baking I scrubbed some of the Russian banana potatoes from the garden, cubed them, and boiled them. I also had some yellow wax beans from Willow Creek that I steamed.

....and here's the finished meal! We put the extra sauce from the chicken on the potatoes and beans. A very yellow meal, but delicious just the same, and surprisingly easy. Who needs canned tomato sauce anyway? (especially this time of year!)
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