
Chicks on Film, Episode I

This was taken almost a week ago now - I finally figured out how to upload video tonight (thanks Stanley!). It's not the most exciting chick video you'll find on the web, but it'll do for now.

Three Spot is the bigger of the two, with three spots on his beak. He's by far the more outgoing one. Puff is the smaller, fluffier chick. She was quite frightened of life at first, but she's slowly gaining her confidence.

The chicks are much bigger now - more video to come soon!
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1 comment:

  1. I've been reading your blog for a while and I really enjoy it... so I'm unabashedly promoting myself, here's my blog: http://travelingagrarian.blogspot.com/

    I just posted about a farm visit my husband and I just did with lots of chickens, turkeys and ducks! I hadn't seen a lot of these poultry varieties before and we had a lot of fun with them. :0)


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