
Michael Pollan - The Food Movement, Rising

Lots of garden pictures to post later today, but I also want to share this link to Michael Pollan's newest piece in the New York Review of Books -- The Food Movement, Rising. I know it's long, but you really should read it.

I find that I get too wrapped up with my job, gardens, and cooking to participate as fully as I might like in the political side of food, but it's always interesting to hear what's going on in the broader world. I do wish that he had included some mention of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and others like them. That's a fast growing portion of the food movement (just look at the attention that the recent raw milk bill in Wisconsin has gotten) that doesn't seem to grab the attention from Pollan and others like him that I think it deserves.

Here's how it ends.......

"For where do all politics begin if not in the high chair?—at that fateful moment when mother, or father, raises a spoonful of food to the lips of the baby who clamps shut her mouth, shakes her head no, and for the very first time in life awakens to and asserts her sovereign power."

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