
The Rustic Table

The cherry on the top of our weekend up north was a visit to our meat CSA, The Rustic Table. This is a pasture based meat operation on 80 acres of some of the most beautiful pasture you'll ever see. Stanley took a lot of nice photos, so this post will be picture heavy. Enjoy!

Black mule foot hog piglets, just a few days old.

Compare to these month and a half old piglets. My, how they grow. One of these little piggies will be the centerpiece of our wedding banquet in October.

Mama, fresh from an enjoyable visit to the mud wallow.

Eating from the food dish. Is there anything as cute as these piglets? I think not.

The movable hen house.

These chickens make mine look bad. All the grass they can eat.... a rooster to watch over them... chicken life just doesn't get better than that. We didn't get to see the meat chickens - they were butchered just before we got there. These are egg laying birds. Black Lace Wyandotes.

A stone fence row - one of two made by the original farmers and their 15 children in the early 20th century. What an amazing amount of work this was.

The beef.

Jersey Boyz.

70s pop star or bovine steer? You decide.

Lambs, newly shorn.

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1 comment:

  1. Great photos! It's fun to see our farm through fresh eyes!


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