
Strawberry Rhubarb Times Two

I've made two pretty delectable Strawberry Rhubarb desserts in the past week - their both coming into season, and I just can't resist!

This is a Strawberry Rhubarb Pudding Cake. I loosely followed this recipe from Epicurious, but since I happened to have more Strawberries and less Rhubarb than the recipe called for, I adjusted the amounts a little. I also used more vanilla than the recipe called for, and I used Sucanat (Evaporated Cane Juice) instead of sugar. We brought it to a potluck, and brought the dish back empty!

This picture turned out way too dark, but this is a strawberry rhubarb pie I made last weekend. I bought the crust frozen from the Co-op's bakery, so I guess I chested, but it was a cinch to put together. I used a simple recipe, (fruit, flower, Sucanat for the filling) but I added a little orange extract to it just for fun.
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